A summary of our journey in Asia

As some of you know, we surprised our family on Christmas Eve. We can´t believe that it’s been a week when we came back home. Today we have New Year’s Eve, it’s a few minutes after six o’clock in the evening, and we think of our friends from Cambodia. Their Read more…

Visitors from Bohemia 2/2

Although we have been on the island for a long time, we haven´t visited all the places. So, with Robinsons, we had a reason to take a few trips and show them what we’ve already seen too. SkyCab and Skybridge The main attractions of this island can´t be missed (the Read more…

Visitors from Bohemia 1/2

When you decide to travel, you often change places. At first, our travels looked the same, but over time we became so-called “Slow-travelers” and our reason was Malaysia. I recently read an article somewhere that this country is very dangerous, but I have to disagree with my own experience. We’ve Read more…