Before our traveling, we had little idea about our journey but we were opened for any changes too. That’s something that I like about traveling. Sometimes your plans change in a snap, and you have to start improvising and sort out the situation. In our case, we can talk about a bit of happiness because we wanted to volunteering and our first choice brought us to an island in Malaysia. We met so a great couple here that we decided to continue after a short pause in volunteering. And most of all, it is beautiful that the meeting has changed into NEW FRIENDSHIP and we have found a place where we will always be welcomed.

Welcome and the first days in Kawah Padi

We were wondering if kittens would remember us when we cared about them. The first, who remembered us, was Martin’s favorite – black cat Bilis. Other kittens needed more time, but in the evening all cats were asleep with us. Besides a Tellur cat. We found out that she gave birth to 2 kittens and went with them to a new family. There is one girl (Ikan) and three boys (Bilis, Roti, and Ayam) in Kawah Padi.

The first few days, we spent some time with volunteers from Germany – Cindy, and Simon. Because we know the island, we offered to show them our favorite places – especially where they cook because they were a bit desperate and sad. They found only expensive restaurants on Tripadvisor. But we showed them that local restaurants are not expensive like restaurants for tourists. We took them to a typical Malaysian breakfast, then to a local restaurant near Kawah Padi, where two people pay 10 RM (about 50 czk) for lunch, shown them Night Market and also took them to a dinner where prepare excellent local burgers (1 pc for about 25 czk).

After the acclimatization and checking of the resort, I started to clean the kitchen, the office room, the bathroom and the other rooms. Martin decided to change a swimming pool. Unfortunately, the May was really rainy, so all he could do was run out the water so that the water level was not higher every day. Meanwhile, another period began – RAMADAN.

Ramadan – what is it?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar in which fasting is held. Although this custom is taken from Jews and Christians, it is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is an act of faith, an expression of purification, a deepening of self-image, a remembrance of divine power, and a spiritual connection. The meaning of fasting is to approach the spiritual essence of Islam. During this time, Muslims also temporarily renounce some earthly needs. This year, Ramadan runs from May 16 to June 14. Fasting is from sunrise to sunset, and during this time Muslims are forbidden to eat, drink and approach their wife or husband. People are more cautious and considerate when traveling on the road. It is also recommended to delay the sensory distractions and manifestations, anger, slander, vulgarism, lies, envy, etc. This period is a good time for settling disputes and bad relationships. On the contrary, Ramadan is called a month of joy, visits, kindness, generosity, and generosity. During this period, every Muslim should read the entire Quran. There is no music during the day, there is peace in these countries, but after the sunset, so-called night-time parties begin.

Persons who don´t keep the fasting – pregnant and nursing women, women during menstruation and in the puerperium, sick, long-distance travelers and children until they reach puberty.

The end of Ramadan ends with a merry feast. which is celebrated for three days. During the celebration, Muslims are forbidden to keep the fasting and are also obliged to provide assistance to the poor.

How to behave during Ramadan

Here I have to note that it depends on what country you are in during Ramadan. Because we are in Malaysia, where there are many different ethnic groups and religious beliefs, this behavior may not have been as strict in some respects as in other Muslim countries.

Foreigners and people of other faiths should not eat, drink, smoke, chew or inappropriately dress in public during Ramadan. It is true that when we were in town and we were hungry, it was really hard to find an open restaurant or shop. Once we were so hungry that we finally went to McDonald’s fast lunch and sat outside in the garden. Fortunately, we were not the only one – so there was no problem with eating and drinking outside. Otherwise, however, you may be warned, penalized, or even threatened with jail if you do not respect the rules.


Because we have become accustomed to local delicious and cheap cuisine, we suffer a bit now because we have to cook ourselves. It is OK, but in that hot weather, no one wants to stand by a gas stove. We could follow their fasting and eat after sunset and during the night, but for me the night meals are unimaginable. Sometimes when I have later dinner, I feel like a boulder. We are looking forward to the end of the Ramadan and the local restaurants will be opened during the day.